The Stellar Practice Garments

Textile composition of Geometry
Developed 2023 for the Mindmastersschool

Sunrise to sunset, the earth spins around the sun, a movement of essential significance. Some movements are eternal and appear throughout life in manifold ways. We recognize them since they represent archetypes of form. Other movements are unknown to us, unknown to our mundane life. Although their uniqueness and their impact are essential for our life and evolution. Movement and form are inevitably connected with each other, one can not be without the other.

As humans we move through our lives, hence we move life and in return life moves us, forms us, evolves us. We are life itself and it is of vital importance to understand life as the fabric that clothes us. Much earlier than clothing ever could, the elements touch us, make us and create us. 

For us it was a deep fascination and honor to develop a garment in total alignment and harmony to a movement that is deeply embedded in life - that represents invisible forms of life itself. We understood that it is of essential importance to create a garment that holds all the harmonious and elevating forms and symbols of the Stellar Practice in a wearable piece of textile. We are delighted to offer these garments as impeccable tools to every-body that wishes to evolve and inhabit life in its fullest expression.

The Stellar Practice Garments represent a tribute to the impersonal realms of life, by wearing these pieces our organism gradually recovers back its innate connection to the fundamental sources of our being. We become aware of the vastness of the field that upholds our development.

Find more details about the Stellar Practice in SYMBIOSIS.


The Two Worlds of God

You keep your heart pure as God gave it to you.
Without wanting to teach me,  you have shown me the greatness of being individual.
Each one in his own place, at his own height, in his own centre.

You have shown me your beauty and your miseries,
you have accompanied me to heaven and earth because you stand in between the two,
you have received me into your worlds,
you have shown me your life and your constant death.
You have made me a spectator of the picture and you have granted me the privilege of living with you up close.

Now the world is ready to see you,
ready for you to accompany it just as you have done with me.
The human yearns for a helping hand to accompany him to the underworld.
You are the purest thing I know and that is what is needed, purity.

by Marta San.ubiria


Los Dos Mundos de Dios

Conservas el corazón puro tal y como Dios te lo entregó.
Sin querer adiestrar me has mostrado la grandeza de estar cada uno en su lugar, 
a su propia altura, en su propio centro.

Me has enseñado tu belleza y tus miserias,
me has acompañado al cielo y a la tierra porque estas entre ambos, 
me has recibido en tus mundos, 
me has mostrado tu vida y tu constante muerte. 
Me has hecho espectadora del cuadro y me has concedido el privilegio de vivirte de cerca.

Ahora el mundo está preparado para verte, 
preparado para que lo acompañes igual que has hecho conmigo.
El humano anhela una mano amiga que lo acompañe a los infiernos.
Eres lo más puro que conozco y eso hace falta, pureza.

de Marta San.ubiria